He made the subject so simple and easy that by the end, the content he taught were on our finger tips. His class was so interesting that no one could take their eyes off from him. He really put on all his energy into delivering us the best content he could.
Making good notes is an art, but finding good notes is even better, it’s smart. We have done all the hard work for you by creating NEET Toppers Notes, a collection of best notes on NEET written by previous year NEET toppers. What separates a topper from an average student is the ability to study smart and not only hard. They create their notes highlighting the concepts which should be focused on during the first read and later, marking key takeaways for each chapter. What makes handwritten notes so valuable is the fact that.
The flow of the notes matches the way a topic is taught in the class by an expert teacher. Contains solved problems on the most important and most asked concepts. Made by toppers and taught by subject experts, which makes these notes a perfect learning tool to gain benefits from.
Notes are realy good delivery time takes 1 week
This site is amazing . I wish if I could know about it earlier . It provided me handwritten notes of my favorite teacher.